Saturday, November 28, 2009

First Pottery Festival

Well, I had my first festival a couple of weeks ago. I set up a table, laid out my wares, filled my little cash box with change and waited for storms of people to snatch up all my precious pots. Well, it didn't happen exactly as I hoped, but it was fun. I had a wheel set up next to my table where kids could come and try making a pot. Truly, the most talented newcomer to the wheel was a little 3-year-old Jasmine, who sat down, held her hands in just the right position and proceeded to mesmerize the audience with her potting prowess! Her Grandma, Bonnie, is one of my students.

I met some new potters and a lot of potters I already knew. It made me feel great to see five of my own students selling there. Among the artistic celebrities was my teacher, Elizabeth Priddy. She's a very good teacher and brutally honest. She came over and looked at my mugs and bowls and pronounced them good. This was basically what made the day perfect. I only sold $200 worth of pots, but it was a very good day.

Now my pots are back in the store and the Christmas shoppers are going for the mugs. I added some place mats, cloth napkins and some plastic food to enliven my display. It looks very professional. We started building the store Christmas window today. Hannah is painting a picture, Carly put together some beautiful wreaths, and we turned a large wooden easel into a Christmas tree. After church tomorrow, we put the window together. Haley is designing our new website. She's taking over that part of the business for us for a while. We sure need the help. It's so much fun to have our children in there working alongside us. They are such gifted and talented people.


Maryn said...

What a joy to have such a talented family!

We miss ya'll!

CLR said...

The pottery you designed is beautiful! You are talented and I am so glad I get to see your work.. even if it's through the internet. I bet you are having a blast designing such awesome ware!

Keep plugging away sister.


My pottery

My pottery

My pottery

My pottery

My pottery

My pottery

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